
Are we Getting Our Money's Worth?

Gladwell discusses a recent New York Times column article that compares health care in America to the U.K.

The first conclusion is that Americans are really, really sick compared to the British and it is not because of lifestyle differences.

One interesting observation is also the correlation between income and drinking habits. It concludes that the more money you make, the more alcohol you're likely to consume.

So much for the class assumptions about alcohol.

U.S. versus U.K.


Adeniyi-Jones Thoughts on Nigeria

Worth reading. Describes how Nigeria has found itself in its current state.

‘This is Nigeria’ I feel fortunate to be old enough to remember a time when those same words, with slightly different emphasis, carried a codediametrically opposed to what they represent today. The indignant ‘thatcannot happen here, this is Nigeria, not some banana republic.’ of my youth,has given way to a resigned, ‘Siddon there my friend, this is Nigeria’.

naijablog: Jide Adeniyi-Jones' thoughts on Nigeria